Mrs. Sheena Boden
Junior High Social Studies
Ms. Carla Bonenfant
High School ILC and CALM
Miss Taylor Campbell
Junior High Science and PE
Mrs. Jigna Chaudhari
Junior and Senior High Science
Mr. Chris Dixon
PE/ Male Athletic Director
Ms. Susan Doty
Life Skills/ LAC - Mainstream
Mr. Josh Duff
Senior High English
Ms. Zain Farooq
Senior High Social Studies
Ms. Leslie Feltham
Junior High VIP
Mrs. Hannah Forget
PE/ Female Athletic Director
Mrs. Amy Gillis
Life Skills
Mrs. Stacey Grimm
Senior High VIP
Mr. Jeremy Hiscock
E-Sports/ Science
Ms. Jihan Jones
Social Studies
Mrs. Philomena Kolawole
Mr. Thomas MacDonald
Junior High Mathematics
Ms. Vicky Matzaras
Junior High VIP
Mr. Austin Nordstrom
Junior High LA and Social Studies
Mrs. Cindy Norrgard
Indigenous Liaison and High School Land Based Learning Coordinator
Mrs. Jennifer Noseworthy
Mrs. Kourtney Parent
Junior High Skills
Mr. Matthew Phinney
Senior High Sciences
Mrs. Jaclyn Robinson
LAC - Programs
Mr. Von Anthony Torio
Junior High Math and Science
Ms. Sarah Yang
Life Skills
Mr. Al Zhang
Senior High Math